Tennis & Golfer’s Elbow

Tennis elbow and golfer's elbow are common conditions that affect the elbow and forearm. They can cause severe discomfort and limit your ability to carry out activities of daily living. Even such tasks as lifting a coffee mug, opening a jar or carrying bags can become near impossible.

At Osteopathic Movement, we know the importance or appropriate diagnosis, treatment and management to address these issues effectively.

When you visit us you can expect:

1. Thorough Assessment: We conduct a comprehensive evaluation to accurately diagnose tennis elbow or golfer's elbow, including assessing the affected area, identifying aggravating factors, and understanding your unique symptoms.

2. Manual Therapy Treatment: We offer specialised hands-on manual therapy techniques to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote healing in the affected tendons and muscles. These techniques may include:

- Soft Tissue Massage

- Myofascial Release

- Trigger Point Therapy

- Joint Mobilization

- Dry Needling

- Myofascial Cupping

3. Exercise Rehabilitation: We design tailored exercise programs to strengthen the muscles and tendons involved and improve flexibility in the forearm and elbow region. These exercises may include eccentric loading exercises, stretching, and progressive resistance training to support tendon healing and strengthen the tendons to ensure they are capable of handling the rigours of daily life.

4. Biomechanical Analysis: We assess your movement patterns and biomechanics to identify any contributing factors, such as restrictions of the upper back, neck and shoulders which may defer load bearing responsibilities to the elbow. Improper technique or overuse may also be exacerbating your condition. Based on our findings, we provide guidance on modifying activities or implementing ergonomic changes to reduce strain on the affected tendons.

5. Lifestyle Modification: We offer advice on activity modification, ergonomic principles, and proper equipment usage to prevent further injury and promote long-term elbow health.

Our goal is to help you overcome tennis elbow or golfer's elbow and return to your daily activities pain-free. To schedule an appointment and begin your journey towards elbow recovery, click the button below. We're dedicated to supporting you every step of the way.