Running Assessment & Retraining

Assessing running mechanics and providing re-training is crucial for preventing injuries and enhancing performance. At Osteopathic Movement, we have years of experience in conducting comprehensive running assessments and offering tailored re-training programs.

Running assessments involve analysing various aspects of your running biomechanics, including foot strike pattern, stride length, cadence, posture, and muscle imbalances.

Our approach to running assessments and re-training includes:

1. Biomechanical Analysis: We conduct a detailed assessment of your running technique using video analysis and observational skills to identify any biomechanical abnormalities or inefficiencies.

2. Musculoskeletal Evaluation: We assess the strength, flexibility, and alignment of key muscle groups and joints involved in running, such as the hips, knees, ankles, and feet, to pinpoint any imbalances or weaknesses contributing to injury risk.

3. Gait Analysis: We analyse your gait cycle to determine factors such as pronation, supination, and overpronation, which can affect your running efficiency and predispose you to injuries.

4. Footwear Assessment: We evaluate your running shoes to ensure they provide adequate support and cushioning and recommend appropriate footwear based on your biomechanical needs.

5. Re-training Program: Based on our assessment findings, we design a personalized re-training program to address any identified deficits or imbalances. This program may include:

- Corrective exercises to strengthen weak muscles and improve flexibility

- Running drills to refine running technique and optimise efficiency

- Progressively structured training plans to gradually increase mileage and intensity while minimising injury risk

6. Education and Injury Prevention Strategies: We provide education on proper warm-up and cool-down routines, running form cues, pacing strategies, and injury prevention techniques to help you stay healthy and perform at your best.

Our goal is to empower you to run efficiently, safely, and enjoyably. To schedule a running assessment and re-training session tailored to your needs, click the button below. We're dedicated to helping you achieve your running goals while minimizing the risk of injury.