Shoulder Pain 

Shoulder pain is a common issue that many individuals experience, it can be very complicated and often can linger for long periods of time. Here at Osteopathic Movement, we take a multi-varied approach to shoulder pain, determining whether your pain is arising from tightness, weakness, poor movement patterns, repetitive strain in your daily life or most commonly, all the of the above.

Shoulder pain can also arise from poor posture or from traumatic incidents such as falls or sports-related impacts.

As musculoskeletal specialists we have extensive experience diagnosing and treating shoulder pain of all types. These may include:

- Rotator Cuff Injuries

- Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)

- Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

- Tendinitis or Bursitis

- Recurrent Shoulder Dislocations

- Shoulder Instability

- Arthritis

- AC Joint Sprains

Our approach begins with a thorough assessment of your shoulder and surrounding structures to pinpoint the underlying cause of your pain.

We provide hands-on manual therapy aimed at relieving pain and restoring proper function to your shoulder. Our treatment techniques include:

- Soft Tissue Massage

- Joint Mobilization

- Stretching and Range of Motion Exercises

- Muscle Energy Techniques (MET)

- Trigger Point Therapy

- Myofascial Release

Following your treatment session, we offer personalised advice on posture and ergonomics to prevent further strain on your shoulder. Additionally, we provide tailored exercise rehabilitation programs to strengthen the shoulder muscles and improve stability.

Our goal is to help you regain pain-free movement and enhance your overall shoulder health. To schedule an appointment and start your journey towards relief from shoulder pain, simply click the button below or if you would prefer to speak with one of our experienced Osteopaths to ensure Osteopathy is right for you, feel free to call 0452 320 669 or email