Achilles Tendinopathy

Achilles tendinopathy can be a challenging condition, but at Osteopathic Movement, we have great experience in providing comprehensive care to alleviate discomfort and promote tissue healing.

Achilles tendinopathy typically arises from overuse, improper footwear, biomechanical issues, or sudden increases in physical activity. If left untreated achilles tendinopathy is likely to persist and worsen. Without appropriate management this can lead to a lifetime of pain and debility along with a far greater chance of eventual rupture.

As Osteopaths, we have extensive expertise in diagnosing and treating Achilles tendinopathy. Our approach involves:

1. Thorough Assessment: We conduct a detailed evaluation to understand the specific factors contributing to your Achilles tendinopathy, including biomechanical imbalances, muscle weaknesses, and lifestyle habits.

2. Hands-on Manual Therapy: We offer targeted manual therapy techniques to reduce pain, improve flexibility, and promote healing by reducing congestion and promoting healthy blood flow to the Achilles tendon. These techniques may include:

- Soft Tissue Massage

- Myofascial Release

- Joint Mobilization

- Strain-Counterstrain Techniques

3. Exercise Rehabilitation: We design personalised exercise programs to strengthen the muscles surrounding the Achilles tendon, improve flexibility, and enhance overall lower limb function. These exercises may include eccentric loading exercises, calf stretches, and proprioceptive training.

4. Biomechanical Assessment: We assess your gait and lower limb mechanics to identify any abnormalities or imbalances contributing to your Achilles tendinopathy. Based on our findings, we may recommend orthotic inserts, footwear modifications, or gait retraining to alleviate stress on the Achilles tendon.

5. Lifestyle Modification: We provide guidance on activity modification, proper footwear selection, and training modifications to prevent recurrence of Achilles tendinopathy and promote long-term recovery.

Our goal is to help you overcome Achilles tendinopathy and return to your daily activities without pain or limitations. To schedule an appointment and begin your journey towards Achilles tendon recovery, click the button below. We're here to support you every step of the way.