Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries that occur during sport. Once you have sprained your ankle, you are far more likely to reinjure that same ankle. It can also lead to changes in your gait (the way you walk or run) that can have upstream consequences for your knees, hips and lower back.

Assessing and rehabilitating ankle sprains is essential for restoring function and preventing future injuries. At Osteopathic Movement, we have effectively treated and rehabilitated hundreds of ankle sprains ranging from minor grade 1 strains to grade 3 complete ruptures.

Ankle sprains occur when the ligaments supporting the ankle joint are stretched or torn due to sudden twisting or rolling movements. Our approach to ankle sprains includes:

1. Initial Assessment: We conduct a thorough evaluation to assess the severity of your ankle sprain, identify any associated injuries, and determine the extent of ligament damage.

2. Manual Therapy: We offer hands-on manual therapy techniques to reduce pain, swelling, and stiffness in the ankle joint. These techniques may include:

- Soft Tissue Massage

- Joint Mobilisation

- Myofascial Release

- Dry Needling

- Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) Techniques

3. Functional Rehabilitation: We design personalised rehabilitation programs to restore strength, stability, and range of motion in the ankle. This may involve:

- Strengthening exercises for the muscles surrounding the ankle, including the calf muscles and peroneal muscles

- Balance and proprioception exercises to improve joint stability and reduce the risk of re-injury

- Range of motion exercises to restore flexibility and mobility in the ankle joint

4. Gait Analysis: We analyse your walking and running patterns to identify any abnormalities or compensatory movements that may contribute to ankle instability or predispose you to future injuries.

5. Education and Prevention Strategies: We provide guidance on proper footwear selection, injury prevention strategies, and gradual return-to-activity protocols to help you avoid re-injury and safely resume your regular activities.

Our goal is to help you recover from your ankle sprain and return to your daily activities pain-free. To schedule an appointment and begin your journey towards ankle sprain recovery, click the button below. We're here to support you every step of the way.