Sitting vs. Standing Which Is Better For You?


This is somewhat of a trick question.

The short answer is that standing is better for you. But it’s not that standing is simply better than sitting. There’s more to it than that.

You can sit well or you can sit poorly. Sitting well is still suboptimal when compared to moving. The same goes for standing. We have covered in previous blogs the principles of “good posture” when sitting and standing, so if you’re interested in learning more on that topic feel free to have a read, but the key principle of this blog is actually about movement.

The main reason standing is better for you than sitting is that it gives you easier access to a larger range of different movements. Practically, what this means is that you can take micro breaks from working to squat down, raise up onto your toes, twist through your mid-back and roll your shoulders around.

Our bodies love movement. So neither sitting still, nor standing still is optimal. Our bodies are refreshed by moving our joints through their full range of motion. This is one of the reasons that exercise is so good for you. It gets you moving your joints through their full, natural range of motion. This is also why when asked what the best form of exercise is, I often reply - whatever you like. Because if you like it, you’re more likely to do it consistently and it is the consistency of movement which is the key.

So aside from moving more at your desk, moving more in your day to day life through exercise will also benefit you greatly. The benefits are not only constrained to musculoskeletal health either. When we move, we pump fluids such as blood and lymph around our bodies. These fluids are the delivery systems for our nutrients and cellular waste removal systems. So the more you move, the more your fluids flow and the healthier you are metabolically!

Like most topics we cover in these blogs - it’s more important to understand the principles discussed rather memorising dogma. So the key principle of this blog, put simply, is move more. And we believe it’s easier to move more while standing at your desk rather than sitting. Call it making the best of a bad situation.

I have recorded a short sequence of movements (stretches and mobilisations) that you can do at your desk throughout your day which will help you with tightness, aches and pains associated with desk work. You don’t have to do all of them, you don’t have to do them in order. You can cherry pick the ones you like and the ones that make you feel good. Just do something!

To watch the video simply click the link below:

If you’re interested in learning more about posture and movement or if you’re in need of some treatment you can book online with one of our experienced practitioners by visiting:

or by calling:

0402 377 209

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