Functional Movement Assessment

Have you heard your Osteo, Physio, Myo, PT or Exercise Physiologist speak about “functional movement” and “functional exercises”?

These are terms that get thrown around a lot in health circles these days. But what do they mean?

Functional exercises are those which reproduce natural movements human beings perform on a day-to-day basis, such as bending over/down, kneeling, lifting and reaching above head. For example a push-up is a “functional” exercise in that it assists you in being able to push yourself up off your chest in order to stand up. A deadlift or squat is a functional movement that mimics the act of lifting something up off the ground. An overhead press or a pull-up mimics the act of lifting something up above head or drawing something down from above/climbing.

Being proficient in all these movements will help to bulletproof your joints to avoid acute injuries along with preventing premature degeneration of joints that occurs from ongoing suboptimal mechanical loading.

Here at Osteopathic Movement South Yarra we offer a one hour “Functional Movement Assessment” where your osteo will take you through a series of basic movements required in your activities of daily living along with movements required while exercising to assess your proficiency and assist you in correcting issues with your technique.

This adjustment in technique can actually alleviate pain immediately if you’re finding that certain activities of daily living are causing you pain. From here you can rebuild your body to be stronger and more robust to prevent this pain from returning.

Following your one hour appointment we will provide you with notes from our session regarding the correction of your technique that you can use to guide you going forward. Along with this will be any exercises we recommend for you can do at home or in the gym to remedy inhibiting tightnesses or weaknesses.

Osteo’s do a lot more than simply “treat bones”, we are holistic musculoskeletal therapists that look at your body from a global and local perspective. That is to say, we will assess your site of pain, but we will also try to figure out where the issue has arisen from within the body or within your lifestyle, occupation or exercise program.

If you think a “Functional Movement Assessment” or standard osteopathic treatment could benefit you feel free to book in online with any of our experienced and knowledgable practitioners by clicking the “book now” button at the bottom of this page

or call:

0402 377 209

Dayne Sweres